I often suggest that my students go to YouTube to look up 'homework' or do an in-depth study of a skill that we've covered. For example: Working on alignment; if we can't get to the basics of alignment that in a lesson sometimes I'll suggest a bit of homework and online research. This blog is to offer *MY* personal thoughts, videos, interesting articles which (right or wrong) are strictly Tracy's opinion... now.. see the Disclaimer, below...
The Legal Stuff....
The Legal Stuff....
- Nature of the site – This blog has ever changing content and can include conversations and comments that are ever changing and evolving.
- Opinionated content – This blog contains opinions and doesn’t reflect the opinions of any organizations, political ideas or agendas, either businesses or groups… this blog just strives to put out there what personally interesting things Tracy has found/created and not what I might be "affiliated with". I’m not making official statements on behalf of any company.
- Terms of use – Any information provided on the blog is accurate and true to the best of my knowledge, but that there may be omissions, errors or mistakes… don’t hate, please inform!
- Hold harmless clause – The info I present on this blog is for entertainment and/or informational purposes only and shouldn’t be seen as any kind of advice, such a medical, legal, tax, emotional or other types of advice. If you rely on any info in this blog, it’s at their own risk.
- Not a professional – I’m not a doctor, medical professional, health professional, tax professional, attorney, engineer, etc. Whatever the topic I’m writing about is not any of any of those professional arenas.
- I AM a professional, but… – I’m a professional LPGA Golf Instructor and Licensed Florida Real Estate Agent / Realtor.. if you want any of my services or help in Real Estate, please contact me outside of this blog and it’s content ([email protected]). Blog posts are for information purposes only and shouldn’t be seen as financial, health, nutritional, medical, legal, etc advice. Consult with a professional before taking any sort of action.
- Reservation of rights – I reserve the right to change how to manage or run this blog and that may change the focus or content on the blog at any time.