Helpful videos & links...
At some point we all have felt like 'There just isn't enough hours in the day!'. That can ring true for a golf lesson.
Often I'll suggest to a student to go online and research something that I'm not able to address. Generally that 'something' is a very BASIC part of the swing. Something that, no matter how many versions one may read or watch, it's basically the same... the same idea. I'm more than happy to have a student research and then come to me and lets chat about what you've seen and how it may apply to YOUR swing. |
REMEMBER... even tho I might 'think' I can swing like someone else or I may be striving to, I suggest to swing like you.. only you. Let a qualified and trained golf instructor be your second set of eyes. Let your instructor coach you to coach yourself! THAT IS OUR JOB! No.. things do NOT always get worse before they get better.
Pre-Shot Routine
So you think you
I am not affiliated with ANY of these videos, nor making money. If you see something questionable please contact me? I am my own web designer so I can remove something in a matter of minutes. Enjoy and let me know what you think!
I am not affiliated with ANY of these videos, nor making money. If you see something questionable please contact me? I am my own web designer so I can remove something in a matter of minutes. Enjoy and let me know what you think!